Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Seattle-on the ferry


  1. Holy cats, Ken & Carson & Addie - I step away from your blog for a couple days and you all are in Seattle already! Yikes! I suspect it's your Dad's lead foot that got you to the coast so quickly...

    Love the photos from Seattle! Very cool shots from w/in the library....

  2. Thanks. We're off to the Olympic Peninsula tomorrow land of the Twilight saga.

  3. Amazing work, Ken, Carson and Addie! I left the office for vacation when you were in TR NP and went to Canada and D.C. with the family, came back, and you're still going strong!
    Office fans of your blog enjoy it a great deal, not to mention the ND postcard. The blog is truly an epic document of a journey unlike any other. Keep going strong!
    I'm going to make Turner look at your pictures now.

  4. I am still chuckling at the French fry inquiry. Although you can't scold the volunteer, we could send Jim Cleary his way with a few questions. I know Jim will be out that way soon...
